Gigabyte X570 I Aorus Pro WiFi Review

Written by Antony Leather

September 30, 2019 | 13:00

Tags: #3rd-gen-ryzen #mini-itx #small-form-factor #socket-am4 #x570 #zen-2

Companies: #amd #gigabyte


Website: CrystalDiskMark

CrystalDiskMark is a synthetic storage benchmark that uses incompressible data files. We report the read and write results of the 32-thread sequential and test in version 6.0.2.

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Posted by LordxNohman - Wed Oct 02 2019 19:52

I'm not sure what to make of this review, comes across as biased/uneven.

A few things I've noted:

1) Board does come with ssd thermal pads.
2) overclocking section at the start of the paragraph you state that the board doesn't run at 4.3ghz overclock like the rest of the boards but then saying actuary it does you just need to adjust load line calibration. Why the negative spin on this. In addition this is the only board that's itx in the tests isn't it so will have limitations the others don't, would have been better to start with it reaches the same clocks but additional config is needed. LlC in no way is a bad thing for normal use so dont believe this is a con.
3) Stating bad vrm and ssd temps without actually posting numbers and then saying the crosshair viii formula impact is better when this is a bad comparison. It's a mini dtx board with more room for cooling and they have a different location for the X570 chipset on that board.

All in all I think this ubfortunetly is a poor review which is a shame as bittech is/was a go to site for me.

Posted by Gareth Halfacree - Wed Oct 02 2019 20:14

overclocking section at the start of the paragraph you state that the board doesn't run at 4.3ghz overclock like the rest of the boards but then saying actuary it does you just need to adjust load line calibration. Why the negative spin on this.
I didn't write the review - and I haven't read it, either, not being in the market for a humpty-tump-hundred-quid motherboard - but I can tell you that when I am reviewing things I review 'em as-provided. If you can twiddle things to make it better, I'll say you can twiddle things and tell you what difference it makes - but I'll tell you how it was out-the-box first. That'd go doubly if I had a bunch of near-identical things on the testbench and you only needed to twiddle a specific thing on one of 'em - and I'd be asking why only that one needs the twiddle twiddling.

Posted by spolsh - Wed Oct 02 2019 23:58

I'd say "out of the box" is important, but at the same time, I think the audience here wouldn't normally mind a bit of tweaking - hell, a lot of us, always seem to be tweaking settings, so it definitely isn't a negative. Don't think the fact it's ITX should allow negatives to be glossed over though.

After reading the review, I don't think it comes across a biased or uneven, on the issues you raised, thermal pads for m2 are mentioned as included, and it's rightly pointed out that there are issues with them. Overclocking and using LLC, and saying, they've had to do it with Gigabyte boards before - useful information for anyone unsure of where to start looking to get better speeds, or wondering why everyone else *is* getting better speeds . Would be good to get measured temps when mentioning if they seem particularly high or low though, agree with you there.

Posted by LordxNohman - Thu Oct 03 2019 01:42

In relation to using stock setting/auto that's fine for out of the box but your going outside of the warranty and AMD specification when overclocking. So one board needing x number of tweaks versus another needing y number has very little to do with it if both reach the same overclock and at same voltage. Its just one goes about it slightly differently. Now if the overclocking was difficult on the Gigabyte board and/or the bios options weren't there to provide the means then this would be an issue. And as you state youd ask why the twiddle needs twiddling but in this article it makes no mention only that its a negative... when in fact LLC is quite a positive thing for everyday usage to prevent overvoltage during switching from high load to low load scenarios and vice versa.

Stating you need to put LLC to extreme is informative, but I think the piece should have been written with a positive introduction that the board meets the same overclock as other x570 boards however please note that LLC needed to be tweaked. Why start with a negative spin that it wasn't stable? Maybe I just took the tone the wrong way easily done online.

On the thermal pads page 1 says "is that there are no thermal pads for the M.2 SSD and thus no proper thermal", but they are included and Ive used the board and haven't experienced temperature issues with an adata xpg8200 pro ssd.

Temperatures and the general comparison to other X570 boards without highlighting that they are ATX or larger format mini-itx baords is also not brilliant reviewing. This has quite an impact on overall results due to space limitations/vrms used etc.

I've tested alot of x570 boards and there are pros/cons to them, but alot of the negatives in this review are compared to a 400 sterling mini DTX board that isnt the same form factor never mind the same price bracket.

Maybe its just me but ive read more well rounded reviews form other sites and its a shame as I generally like bit-tech
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